Friday, October 9, 2015

Akagami No Shirayukihime Episode 8

Here is another AMV. The song is Waiting For Superman by Daughtry. 

The episode starts off with Shirayuki and Ryuu going to pick a plant because the rain stopped. In Zen's office they are all discussing the situation Raji created. The final conclusion, Obi is to be Shirayuki's bodyguard. He meets up with Shirayuki, and helps with her job. She explains to him that he should keep his mask on because of the smell can make you drunk. He purposely takes hers off(I think he wanted to see how she acts when she is drunk.) 

Obi and Shirayuki are bringing the roka fruits to the storage, but stops halfway to chat. Zen and Mituhide come out of a LONG meeting to hear, Obi ask Shirayuki if she ever wishes Zen wasn't a prince. Zen and Mitsuhide flinches at the question. Shirayuki takes a bottle of roka juice from him, and says," The next time you say that, I'll take it as an insult."  She gives Obi back the roka, and walks off. 

The next scene Chief gives Shirayuki and Obi some "ruka juice" to taste. Shirayuki says," It burns!" while Obi yells," It's delicious!" Ryuu turns around and asks the chief herbalist if it is alcohol. She confesses to the crime. Obi and her laugh. They turn around and Shirayuki is passed out on the floor. She can't hold her liquor. 

In Prince Zen's office, Mitsuhide and Zen thinks about when Mitsuhide first came to serve Zen. That was when Zen found out his "best friend" was a traitor. It is a sad story, but you should watch it. At the end, Mitsuhide says that back when Zen was young he used to stifle his cries.  

For those of you who really like these AMVs like I do:

And one more:

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