Sunday, October 4, 2015

Akagami No Shirayuki Episode 5

This episode starts off with Zen, Shirayuki, Mitsuhide, Obi, and Kiki riding to a different city. Shirayuki is going to Laxdo for medicinal herbs, while the others are going to check up on an army. They drop Shirayuki off, and continue to the fort.. Nobody is to be seen, so they start to worry. A smaller soldier opens the wooden window, and tells them he will be right down. When he comes out he falls on his face!

He tells Prince Zen not to go in because the force was possessed by an evil spirit. Everybody became extremely ill, and ended up having to sleep n the main hall to stay warm. Zen takes a look at the soldiers, and he tells the others that he is going to look around the inside of the fort. Everybody tells him not to, but he tells Mitsuhide that he will be out by sunset.

Obi looks inside the armory to discover it has been ransacked. The only soldier who is able to stand didn't even realize this had happened. Obi suggests to Zen that they go bandit hunting because that is his specialty. Kiki thinks for a minute, and then suggests that they ask Shirayuki to help diagnose the soldiers.

Mitsuhide arrives back at Fort Laxdo with Shirayuki. She talks to the soldier, and finds out there wasn't enough medicinal herbs. He tells her his name is Shuka, and ask if he can be of any help. She tells him the only thing he needs to do for her is rest. Once she leaves the main hall, she tells Zen to go outside. He argues with her about not leaving her, but Mitsuhide points out Zen said he would be only stay in until sunset. Mitsuhide then teases him. Inside the fort, Shirayuki is still trying to figure out what happened, when all of a sudden she looses balance, and falls to her knees. Shuka jumps over the bench to her aid. At that point she realizes that the symptoms are different because of where the soldier is positioned. The closer they are to the fire, the worse they are. Shirayuki runs outside to Zen. She is panting when he notices her. She tells him that the cause of their illness is because of the firewood they took in from a band of travelers.

When Shuka says that he is feeling better because of Shirayuki's medicine, she let's out a sigh of relief. When she leans against the large door, and Zen notices her hands charred and shaking. They stay there the next couple of days. The second day they are there, Zen is informed that the bandits who had taken the armory was in Laxdo. Shirayuki is at the fort helping the soldiers, but she hasn't had ANY rest. She almost fell asleep at her desk, when she heard Zen call her name. He asks if she was asleep, but she tells him no.
Then, he tells her to look outside. All the soldiers are working hard.

Obi is flipping off of the top of the fort, when he notices Shirayuki swaying back and forth. He is thinking whether or not to grab her so she doesn't fall, even though Prince Zen told him not to go near her. In the end he catches her as she falls backwards. He asks if she is sick, and she tells him to keep quiet about it. The first group is going out to patrol, since they are feeling better. Shuka is asked if there is any medicine left, which leads to Zen figuring out the math that Shirayuki hasn't slept in three days!

He goes up to her room, and tells her to sit on the bed. Zen tells her to close her eyes for 60 seconds. At first she hesitates, but then she gives in. She falls asleep in three seconds. After, he covers her up and is greeted by Mitsuhide, Kiki, and Obi. Obi informs Zen that he has found the bandits' headquarters. They go fight for the armory.

Zen comes back, and goes to Shirayuki's room. He accidentally woke her up, though. He apologizes to her about not noticing she was ill. He tells her that she cannot hide anything from him. EVER. He thanks her for everything she has done, and then KISSES her hand (she was blushing...another Zen X Shirayuki moment eeek!).
The next morning, they leave. Shuka informs Shirayuki that he will write letters. The soldiers wave them off, and they go back to Clarines.

Next Episode Tomorrow!

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